Your first step to achieve great health!

Step 1 - Calculate Calories

Basic Information
Activity Level
Your results:
Target calorie intake per day:

Step 2 - Choose Diet

Healthy Slim Living

Slim diet boxes are dedicated specifically for people who want to decrease in body weight. After only a couple of weeks you’ll notice a difference within your lifestyle, you feel lighter, healthier and less bloated. However, a prolonged usage of a low energy diet should be consulted with our dietician.
Meals in this plan:
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Healthy Bites.
Full diet price:

1200kcal £16.00
1500kcal £17.00

Healthy Fit Living

Fit Living boxes are designed for those of you who incorporate more physical and sporty activities within your daily lifestyle. This consists of accurately chosen energy values and balanced meals, which allow you to maintain your active lifestyle whilst, also looking after the nutritional needs of your body. Catering Fit Living is available in two caloric varieties: 2500kcal and 3000kcal.
Meals in this plan:
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and two Healthy Bites.
Full diet price:

2500kcal £22.00
3000kcal £24.00

Healthy Bites Living

Healthy Bites boxes are, If you are satisfied with your weight, but you want to eat healthier on a day-to-day basis, through incorporating the right amounts of energy for your body whilst, also eating nutritious and fulfilling meals, this is the better option for you. Catering Healthy Bites Living is available in five caloric varieties: 1200kcal,1500kcal, 1700kcal, 2000kcal and 2500kcal.
Meals in this plan:
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Healthy Bites.
Full diet price:

1200kcal £16.00
1500kcal £17.00
1700kcal £18.00
2000kcal £20.00

Step 3 - Order

Start Your New Year with New Beginning!

Click below to start a chat with our dietary expert who will help you choose the best plan and set up the payment plan.
When you purchase 30 days of meals, you will receive a 10% discount on your entire order.
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